Saturday, January 23, 2010

We Will See About That

So, I will begin with a recent encounter with the local phone company. In the past two months, they have been out to our place four times to repair damaged lines.  The repairs have always been in the same place. Between the second and thrid poles as you come up our driveway.  The last time they were out they left the spliced wires clearly hanging out.  This was not a problem until recent strong winds blew spliced wires  onto the driveway. I picked them up and brought them in the house.  I waited a few days to call because I knew they were busy with the recent storms.  Nice of me, don't you think?  I got the call that they would be out between 8:00am and 8:00 pm ~ nothing like killing my entire day!!!  I was thrilled when the repair man called at 10:15, and hoped to get out of the house when he finished.  I explained the recennt repairs in detail and told him exactly where the line was damaged and that I had the wires in my hand.  He said he was going to begin looking at the line three miles away.  What? I tried to explain again. His response, a rude,  "We will see about that?"  ~  WHAT???? Come on now, seriously? 

We will see about that?! We will see about that?! Are you kidding me? What is that? Do you think I am making up some dumb story to entertain myself? Do you think I care to sit here one moment longer when I have been stuck in my house for DAYS due to the storm? If my husband had told you the same information, would you have responded the same way? DOUBT IT. I am not trying to jerk you around. I am trying to help us both!

After 45 minutes of checking the line miles away I finally see him coming up the driveway. Passing poles two and three, four, and five.  He got out of the truck, straped on his belt, took his ladder off the truck....... Now, after his rude comment, I could have let him tramp across the front yard, to the wrong pole through the deep puddles, climb the enormous ladder on a freezing cold windy day, BUT NO...... I went out there, wires in hand, and explained to him AGAIN exactly where he could find the problem.  Upon seeing the wires in my hand, he then says to me, "Oh, I thought the problem would be here at the house."  HMMMMM what part of me telling you EXACTLY where the issue was did you miss?  By now, I am no longer friendly and helpful. Leaving him with a snarky, "good luck." 

Eventually he found the cause of the problem.  And would you believe it?  It was between poles number two and three ~ you know, where I had told him he would find the problem!  Who would-a  thunk it? Listen Mister, I was just trying to help. Believe it or not, some chicks know what they are talking aobut every now and again.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, some chicks do... and this one even knows how to kill snakes :)
